Feb 06, 2024

Braces vs. aligners – which is best for you

By Smile Avenue

Braces vs. aligners – which is best for you

Orthodontic treatment has come a long way, offering patients effective options to achieve a straighter, more confident smile. Two popular choices are traditional Braces and Aligners. If you’re wondering which one is best for you, let’s delve into the key aspects of each, considering factors like advantages, cost, and features.

Braces vs. Clear Aligners

Braces and Aligners are completely two different elements. If you’re thinking about getting your teeth straightened, you might have heard about braces and clear aligners. Let’s break down the basics.


  • Braces are metal or ceramic brackets attached to your teeth.
  • Wires and rubber bands are used to slowly move your teeth into the right position.
  • They are effective but can be visible and sometimes uncomfortable.

Clear Aligners:

  • Clear aligners are like transparent trays that fit over your teeth.
  • They are removable and practically invisible.
  • Aligners are custom-made to gradually shift your teeth into place.

Now, let’s talk about Invisalign certified clinic Navi Mumbai. In Navi Mumbai, a special clinic is certified by Invisalign, a popular brand of clear aligners. If you’re in that area, it’s a good option to consider for getting your teeth straightened.

What are Braces, advantages, cost, and other features

Braces are special tools that help straighten and align your teeth. They are often used when teeth are crooked or crowded, or when there are problems with the bite (how your upper and lower teeth fit together).

Advantages of Braces:

  1. Straight Teeth: Braces help make your teeth straight and aligned, improving your smile.
  2. Better Bite: They can fix issues with your bite, making it easier to eat and talk.
  3. Oral Health: Straight teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of cavities and gum problems.

Cost of Braces: 

The cost of braces can vary. It depends on factors like the type of braces you choose (traditional metal, ceramic, or invisible aligners), the severity of your dental issues, and where you live. In some cases, dental insurance may help cover part of the cost. The cost of braces in Navi Mumbai, without images:

  • Metal braces: ₹20,000 to ₹40,000
  • Ceramic braces: ₹30,000 to ₹50,000
  • Invisalign: ₹50,000 to ₹70,000 or more

Remember, it’s always best to consult an orthodontist for an accurate estimate based on your specific needs.

Other Features of Braces:

  1. Types: There are different types of braces. Traditional metal braces are the most common, but there are also ceramic braces that are less noticeable, and invisible, removable aligners.
  2. Adjustments: Braces need periodic adjustments by an orthodontist. This involves tightening or changing the braces to keep your teeth moving in the right direction.
  3. Time Frame: The time it takes to wear braces varies. It can be a few months to a few years, depending on the complexity of the dental issues.

Important Things to Remember:

  1. Good Oral Hygiene: It’s crucial to keep your teeth and braces clean to avoid problems like cavities.
  2. Follow Instructions: Listen to your orthodontist’s advice on care and follow-up appointments.

Remember, the goal of braces is to give you a healthier, straighter smile, and while they may take some getting used to, the benefits often last a lifetime.

In short, braces or metal braces are a reliable and cost-effective orthodontic solution with advantages such as effectiveness, durability, and affordability. Modern features enhance their appearance and make them a practical choice for achieving a straighter smile.

What are Aligners, advantages, costs, and other features
Aligners are a type of orthodontic treatment that helps straighten your teeth without using traditional braces. They are clear, custom-made trays that fit over your teeth and gradually shift them into the desired position. Now, let’s look at some key points:


  1. Invisibility: Aligners are clear and nearly invisible, making them a discreet option for teeth straightening.
  2. Removability: You can take them out when eating, brushing, or for special occasions, providing more flexibility than traditional braces.
  3. Comfort: Aligners are generally more comfortable than braces as they don’t have wires or brackets that can irritate.


The cost of aligners can vary, but they are often comparable to traditional braces. Some factors influencing the cost include the complexity of your case, the duration of treatment, and the brand of aligners used. Aligner treatment in Navi Mumbai can range from ₹80,000 – ₹2,00,000+ depending on brand, complexity & dentist experience. Invisalign is most popular but pricier. Generally, before starting the treatment, the clinic will typically show you a simulation of Aligners before and after treatment, giving you a preview of the expected results.

Other Features:

  1. Straightening Power: Aligners are excellent at making things straight, like teeth or lines on a page.
  2. Invisibility Magic: Some Aligners can do their job without being seen. They’re like secret agents fixing things without anyone noticing.
  3. Comfort Factor: Unlike some other tools, Aligners are often comfortable to use. No need to worry about discomfort while they do their job.
  4. Custom Fit: Aligners can be made to fit perfectly for different things. It’s like having a tailor-made solution for straightening.

Now, if you’re considering aligners in Navi Mumbai, it’s crucial to find an Invisalign certified clinic Navi Mumbai. This ensures that the clinic has the expertise and training to provide proper Invisalign treatment. 

What is the best orthodontic treatment is best between clear aligners and Metal braces?

When it comes to fixing crooked teeth, you have two main options: Braces and Aligners. Both work to straighten your teeth, but they have some differences.

Braces are the traditional choice. They use metal brackets attached to your teeth and connect them with wires. This setup gradually moves your teeth into the right position over time. Braces are effective and work well for more complex cases.

On the other hand, we have Aligners. These are like clear, plastic trays that you wear over your teeth. They are nearly invisible, making them a popular choice for people who want a more discreet treatment. Aligners are removable, which can be convenient for eating and cleaning your teeth.

So, which is the best dental treatment? It depends on your specific needs and preferences. Braces are powerful and often recommended for severe misalignments, while Aligners are great for milder cases and those who prefer a less noticeable option.

If you’re looking for a discreet option to straighten your teeth, clear aligners from an Invisalign-certified clinic in Navi Mumbai could be the way to go. Consider consulting with a specialized orthodontist for personalized advice on orthodontic treatments, including options like braces and aligners.

Ultimately, both Braces and Aligners can give you a beautiful, straight smile. Your orthodontist will help you decide which option is best for you based on your individual situation and goals.

FAQ Section includes the following questions and more

1.Which is better braces or aligners?

The choice between braces and aligners depends on personal preferences and orthodontic needs.

  • Visibility:
    • Braces: Visible.
    • Aligners: Nearly invisible.
  • Comfort:
    • Braces: Initial discomfort possible.
    • Aligners: Generally more comfortable.
  • Maintenance:
    • Braces: Challenging for oral hygiene.
    • Aligners: Removable for easier cleaning.
  • Treatment Duration:
    • Braces: 1-3 years.
    • Aligners: Comparable.
  • Cost:
    • Braces: Generally more cost-effective.
    • Aligners: Can be more expensive.
  • Orthodontic Needs:
    • Braces: Effective for severe misalignments.
    • Aligners: Suitable for many cases but not for all.
  • Lifestyle:
    • Braces: Dietary restrictions and precautions.
    • Aligners: More flexibility.

Consult with an orthodontic professional for personalized recommendations.

2.Do braces work faster than aligners?

The speed of orthodontic treatment with braces and aligners depends on factors like the complexity of the case, patient compliance, and individual response. There isn’t a clear consensus on whether braces or aligners work faster, as it varies from person to person. Both methods are effective, and the choice between them may depend on personal preferences and specific orthodontic needs. Consulting with an orthodontist is essential to determine the most suitable option for an individual.

3.Which is more painful aligners or braces?

Pain levels can vary, but if we compare braces and aligners then generally, braces tend to cause more initial discomfort than aligners. Aligners may cause some pressure and soreness, especially when changed, but the pain is usually milder compared to the adjustments and irritation associated with braces.

Dr. Amit Bhirani
Dr. Amit Bhirani is a highly skilled Periodontist & Oral Implantologist with a passion for transforming smiles and restoring oral healthRead More
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